Is it Rude Drinking Water During an Interview

It’s no secret that drinking water is important. According to the Mayo Clinic, water intake can help you stay hydrated, regulate your body temperature, and cushion your joints. But did you know it’s polite to drink water during an interview? That’s right – based on etiquette, it is perfectly normal and can even help you calm down and be more focused. To be more confident at a job interview, ask professional resume writing services to support it.


Of course, you don’t want to guzzle water like you’re about to run a marathon. A small sip from time to time is usually sufficient. And if your interviewer offers you a cup of coffee, tea, or water, be sure to accept graciously. Not only will it show that you’re polite, but it will also allow you to take a small break and gather your thoughts.


So next time you’re in an interview, don’t hesitate to take a sip of water. It might just help you make a good impression!


Write it is rude to drink water during an interview based on etiquette. Drinking water during the interview is normal and can help you calm down and be more focused. Usually, many hiring managers suggest you a cup of water, coffee, or tea.


Why It’s Not Rude to Drink Water During an Interview?


Perfectly acceptable

It’s perfectly acceptable to drink water during an interview. It’s often encouraged! Water will help keep you hydrated and focused and prevent you from getting thirsty or distracted.


Don’t guzzle water

Of course, you don’t want to guzzle water like you’re chugging a beer. Take small sips, and put the glass down between drinks. You don’t want to seem as nervous or unprofessional.


Why it’s essential to drink water during an interview?

In this paragraph, you’re going to learn why it’s essential to drink water during an interview:


  • helping stay hydrated
  • helping focused
  • helping from getting thirsty
  • helping from being distracted
  • helping to avoid awkwardness


Drinking water during an interview is essential for a few reasons. First, it will help you stay hydrated and focused. Second, it will prevent you from getting thirsty or distracted. Third, it will help you avoid any awkwardness associated with not drinking when your interviewer offers you a drink.


In short, drinking water during an interview is perfectly acceptable and can even help you make a good impression! So don’t be afraid to take a sip of water next time you’re in an interview.


What is Important at a job interview?


At a job interview, it is essential to be professional, courteous, and prepared. First and foremost, you want to ensure that you dress appropriately for the position you are interviewing for. Being on time (or early) and having a firm handshake are also essential. Additionally, you will want to be prepared to answer common interview questions and ask a few questions of your own. Being courteous, professional, and prepared will make the best impression possible and increase your chances of getting the job.


Show Your Proficiency

To show that you are proficient, dress appropriately for the job you are interviewing for. Additionally, arriving on time (or early) and having a firm handshake are essential. Finally, you will want to be prepared to answer common interview questions and ask a few questions of your own. Being professional will make the best impression possible and increase your chances of getting the job.


Show You are Courtesy

One way to show that you are courteous is to dress appropriately for the job you are interviewing for. Be sure to thank the interviewer for their time at the end of the interview. This is a small gesture to be grateful for the opportunity to interview and that you respect their time.


Show Your Gratitude


Finally, follow up with a thank-you note or email after your interview. This is another small but meaningful gesture that will show your interviewer that you are interested in the position and eager to hear back from them. By following these simple tips, you can show that you are courteous and professional – two essential qualities for any job candidate.




If your interviewer doesn’t offer you a drink of water during the interview, don’t be afraid to ask for one! This is perfectly acceptable and shows that you are polite and professional. Just take small sips and put the glass down between drinks. You’d instead don’t want to come across as nervous or unprofessional. You’d better write your Linkedin resume to feel more confident.


In short, drinking water during an interview is perfectly acceptable and can even help you make a good impression! So if your interviewer doesn’t offer you a drink, don’t hesitate to ask for one.


Water Quality in Latin America: Causes of Water Pollution, Effects on Human Health and the Environment, Solutions

Did you know that one in three people in the world do not have access to clean, safe water? And that’s just the global statistic. In Latin America, the situation is even worse. According to a report by WaterAid, almost half of all Latin Americans – more than 350 million people – don’t have access to clean water. This is a huge problem, not just for the individuals who don’t have access to clean water, but also for the environment and for human health. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at water quality in Latin America and discuss some of the causes of water pollution, its effects on human health and the environment, and some possible solutions.

One of the main causes of water pollution in Latin America is the discharge of untreated or inadequately treated wastewater from cities, industries, and farms. This wastewater contains a variety of pollutants, including chemical pollutants, organic pollutants, and pathogens. When this wastewater is discharged into rivers, lakes, and other bodies of water, it can cause serious environmental damage. It can also contaminate drinking water supplies and lead to health problems for people who consume contaminated water.

Another major cause of water pollution in Latin America is mining activities. Mining activities can release large amounts of toxic metals and other chemicals into the environment, which can contaminate waterways and soil. The effects of these contaminants on human health and the environment can be devastating.

In addition to the discharge of wastewater and mining activities, there are a number of other causes of water pollution in Latin America. These include the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, agricultural runoff, and littering.

The effects of water pollution in Latin America

The effects of water pollution on human health and the environment can be serious and far-reaching. Some of the most common negative impacts include:

– Contamination of drinking water supplies with harmful chemicals and pathogens

– Eutrophication (the overgrowth of algae due to excess nutrients in the water) which can lead to the death of aquatic life and create hazardous conditions for swimming and fishing

– Acid rain which can damage forests, buildings, and wildlife

– Air pollution from industrial plants which can cause respiratory problems in humans and animals like it happened in Banos, Ecuador

– Contamination of soil with toxic metals and chemicals, which can make it unsuitable for agriculture

What are the possible solutions?

Although there are a number of causes of water pollution in Latin America, there are also many solutions that could help to improve the situation. Some possible solutions include:

– Improving water infrastructure so that more people have access to clean drinking water. This will reduce people’s reliance on polluted rivers and lakes as sources of drinking water.

– Providing better sanitation for cities so that untreated or inadequately treated wastewater does not end up being discharged into waterways or other bodies of water.

– Improving agricultural practices so that farmers do not pollute rivers and streams with fertilizers and pesticides from their farms (this can be done by using organic farming methods or by limiting the use of these chemicals).

– Encouraging people to reduce their consumption of plastic and other materials that end up being discarded in rivers, lakes, and oceans. If more people recycled these items instead throwing them away this would help to keep waterways clean and prevent trash from washing into the ocean where it can harm sea life.

– Improving mining practices so that companies are required by law to treat wastewater before discharging it back into natural water systems like rivers or streams (this will help minimize contamination caused by mining activities).

– Limiting industrial activities near bodies of water because they often release pollutants which can lead to contamination in nearby areas. For example, factories should not be built next door to lakes or rivers.

– Encouraging people to clean up after themselves when they are swimming, fishing, or boating in lakes and other bodies of water so that trash does not end up being deposited on shorelines and then washing back into the lake where it can harm wildlife (this will also prevent pollution caused by littering).

Although there are many challenges facing Latin America in terms of improving water quality, there are also many opportunities for success. For example, countries like Brazil have already begun to implement policies that limit industrial activities near natural waterways as well as laws requiring companies who mine minerals from the ground to treat wastewater before discharging it back into these systems (these policies should be enforced if they’re going to make a difference!). In addition, Brazil has also passed legislation requiring companies who mine minerals from the ground to treat wastewater before discharging it back into natural water systems like rivers or streams (these policies should be enforced if they’re going to make a difference!).

In conclusion, Latin America faces many challenges and opportunities when it comes improving water quality. Some countries have already implemented policies that limit industrial activities near bodies of water as well require mining companies to treat their wastewater before releasing it back into these systems which will help improve overall conditions over time but there are still other problems facing Latin American countries such as pollution caused by agriculture runoff which will need new solutions in order address these issues effectively too!

Water Quality

Water quality is the chemical, physical and biological characteristics of water based on the standards of its use. They are most commonly used in relation to a set of standards, compliance with which, usually achieved through water treatment, can be evaluated. The most common standards used to monitor and evaluate water quality reflect the health of ecosystems, the safety of human contact and the condition of drinking water. Water quality has a significant impact on water supply and often determines supply options.

Water quality parameters are determined by the intended use. Water quality work generally focuses on water that is treated for drinking water, industrial/domestic use, or restoration (of the environment/ecosystem, usually for human health/ aquatic life).

Human Consumption

Pollutants that may be in untreated water include microorganisms such as viruses, protozoa, and bacteria; inorganic pollutants such as salts and metals; organic chemical pollutants from industrial processes and oil use; pesticides and herbicides; and radioactive contaminants. Water quality depends on local geology and ecosystem, as well as human use such as wastewater dispersion, industrial pollution, use of water bodies as heat sinks, and overuse (which can lead to lower water levels).

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency limits the amount of certain contaminants in tap water provided by U.S. public water systems. The Safe Drinking Water Act authorizes EPA to issue two types of standards:

  • Primary standards regulate substances that potentially affect human health;
  • secondary standards prescribe aesthetic qualities that affect taste, odor, or appearance.

U.S. Food and Drug Administration regulations set limits for contaminants in bottled water. Drinking water, including bottled water, can reasonably be expected to contain at least small amounts of some contaminants. The presence of these contaminants does not necessarily indicate that the water is a health hazard.

In urbanized areas around the world, water treatment technology is used in municipal water systems to remove contaminants from the source water (surface water or groundwater) before it is distributed to homes, businesses, schools and other recipients. Water taken directly from a stream, lake or aquifer and not treated in any way will be of uncertain quality in terms of potability.

Industrial and Domestic Uses

Dissolved ions can affect the suitability of water for a variety of industrial and domestic uses. The best known of these is probably the presence of calcium (Ca2+) and magnesium (Mg2+), which interfere with the cleansing action of soap and can form hard sulfate and soft carbonate deposits in water heaters or boilers. Hard water can be softened to remove these ions. The softening process often replaces sodium cations. For some populations, hard water may be preferable to soft water because of health problems associated with calcium deficiency and excess sodium. The need for extra calcium and magnesium in water depends on the population in question, because people usually meet their recommended amounts through food.

Environmental water quality

Environmental water quality, also called environmental quality, refers to water bodies such as lakes, rivers, and oceans. Water quality standards for surface waters vary greatly due to different environmental conditions, ecosystems, and intended human uses. Toxic substances and high populations of some microorganisms can pose health risks for non-drinking uses such as irrigation, swimming, fishing, rafting, boating, and industrial uses. These conditions can also affect wildlife that use the water for drinking or as habitat. According to the EPA, water quality laws generally specify protections for fishing and recreational use and require, at a minimum, that current quality standards be maintained.

There is some desire among the public to return water bodies to pristine, or pre-industrial conditions. Most modern environmental laws focus on designating specific uses of a waterbody. In some countries, these designations allow some water pollution as long as the particular type of pollution does not harm the designated uses. Given changes in the landscape (e.g., land development, urbanization, forest clearing) in the watersheds of many freshwater bodies, a return to pristine conditions would be a major challenge. In these cases, environmental scientists focus on the goals of maintaining healthy ecosystems and may focus on protecting populations of endangered species and protecting human health.

Sampling and Measurement

The complexity of water quality as a subject is reflected in the many types of water quality measurements. Some water quality measurements are most accurately made in situ because the water exists in equilibrium with the environment. Measurements typically made in situ and in direct contact with the water source in question include temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, redox potential (ORP), turbidity, and Secchi disk depth.

More complex measurements are often performed in a laboratory requiring the water sample to be collected, stored, transported, and analyzed elsewhere. The water sampling process poses two significant problems:

  • The first problem is how representative the sample can be of the water source of interest. Water sources vary in time and location. The measure of interest may vary from season to season or from day to night or in response to some human activity or natural populations of aquatic plants and animals. The measure of interest may vary with distances from the water’s boundary with the overlying atmosphere and the underlying or bounding soil. The sampler must determine whether a single time and place satisfies the needs of the study, or whether the water use of interest can be satisfactorily evaluated from averages of time and place sampling, or whether critical highs and lows require individual measurements across a range of times, places, or events. The sampling procedure should ensure that individual sampling times and locations where averaging is appropriate are properly weighted. Where critical maxima or minima exist, statistical methods must be applied to the observed variations to determine a sufficient number of samples to estimate the probability of exceeding these critical values.
  • The second problem arises when the sample is removed from the water source and begins to establish chemical equilibrium with its new environment, the sample container. Sample containers should be made of materials with minimal reactivity with the substances being measured, and pre-cleaning the sample containers is important. The water sample can dissolve part of the sample container and any residue on that container, and chemicals dissolved in the water sample can be sorbed on the sample container and remain there when the water is poured out for analysis. Similar physical and chemical interactions can occur with any pumps, piping, or intermediate devices used to transfer the water sample to the sample container. Water collected from the depths below the surface is usually held at reduced atmospheric pressure; therefore, gas dissolved in the water will collect at the top of the container. Atmospheric gas above the water may also dissolve into the water sample. Other equilibria of chemical reactions may change if the water sample changes temperature. Fine solids previously suspended by water turbulence may settle to the bottom of the sample container, or a solid phase may form as a result of biological growth or chemical deposition. Microorganisms in the water can biochemically change the concentration of oxygen, carbon dioxide and organic compounds. Changing the concentration of carbon dioxide can change the pH and change the solubility of chemicals of interest. These problems are of particular concern when measuring chemicals that are considered significant at very low concentrations.

Preserving the sample can partially solve the second problem. A common procedure is to keep samples cold to slow the rate of chemical reactions and phase changes, and analyze the sample as soon as possible; but this simply minimizes changes, not prevents them. A useful procedure for determining the effect of sample containers during the delay between sample collection and analysis involves preparing for two artificial samples in advance of the sampling event. One sample container is filled with water that is known from the previous analysis to contain no detectable amount of the chemical of interest. This sample, referred to as an “empty” sample, is opened to expose the atmosphere when the sample of interest is collected, then sealed and transported to the laboratory along with the sample for analysis to determine if the sample collection or storage procedures have introduced any measurable amount of the chemical of interest. A second artificial sample is collected from the sample of interest, but then “spiked” with a measured additional amount of the chemical of interest at the time of collection. The blank (negative control) and spiked sample (positive control) are transferred with the sample of interest and analyzed by the same methods at the same time to determine any changes indicating gain or loss during the elapsed time between collection and analysis.

Testing in response to natural disasters and other emergencies

After events such as earthquakes and tsunamis, relief agencies immediately respond to ongoing relief operations to try to rebuild basic infrastructure and provide the basic fundamental items needed for survival and eventual recovery. The threat of disease is greatly increased by the large number of people living close together, often in squalid conditions and without proper sanitation.

After a natural disaster, as far as water quality testing is concerned, there are widespread opinions on how best to proceed, and various methods can be used. The key basic water quality parameters to consider in an emergency are bacteriological indicators of fecal contamination, residual free chlorine, pH, turbidity, and possibly conductivity/total dissolved solids. There are many methods of decontamination.

After major natural disasters, it can take considerable time before water quality returns to pre-disaster levels. For example, after the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake, the Colombo-based International Water Management Institute (IWMI) monitored the effects of saltwater and concluded that wells had restored drinking water quality to pre-tsunami levels a year and a half after the event. IWMI developed protocols for cleaning up wells contaminated by salt water; these were subsequently officially endorsed by the World Health Organization as part of its Emergency Guidelines series.

Chemical Analysis

The simplest methods of chemical analysis are measurements of chemical elements without regard to their form. Elemental analysis of oxygen, for example, would show a concentration of 890 g/L (grams per liter) of a water sample because oxygen (O) has 89% of the mass of a water molecule (H2O). The method chosen to measure dissolved oxygen must distinguish between two-atom oxygen and oxygen in combination with other elements. The comparative simplicity of elemental analysis has yielded a large number of sample data and water quality criteria for elements sometimes identified as heavy metals. Water analysis for heavy metals must take into account soil particles suspended in the water sample. These suspended soil particles can contain measurable amounts of metals. Although the particles are not soluble in water, they can be consumed by people drinking the water. Adding acid to the water sample to prevent loss of dissolved metals to the sample container may cause more metals to dissolve from the suspended soil particles. However, filtering soil particles from the water sample before adding acid may result in loss of dissolved metals on the filter. The complexities of differentiating similar organic molecules are even more complex.

Performing these complex measurements can be costly. Because direct measurements of water quality can be expensive, there are usually ongoing monitoring programs and results are published by government agencies. However, there are local volunteer programs and resources available for some general assessment. Tools available to the general public include on-site test kits, commonly used for home aquariums, and biological assessment procedures.

Real-time monitoring

Although water quality is usually sampled and analyzed in laboratories, since the late 20th century there has been a growing public interest in the quality of drinking water provided by municipal systems. Many water utilities have developed systems to collect real-time data on source water quality. In the early 21st century, various sensors and remote monitoring systems were deployed to measure water pH, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, and other parameters. Some remote sensing systems were also developed to monitor ambient water quality in river, estuarine and coastal water bodies.

Actions to Eliminate and Prevent Pollution of Rivers, Seas and Oceans

The development of measures for the protection of river water contributes to the conservation of renewable water resources. As part of the environmental complex of measures, the activities of public organizations established to improve the environmental situation in the regions are regulated. They are also interested in protection of river waters from pollution, they carry out actions on collection and disposal of garbage in the coastal areas visited by local residents. They clean the bottom in the bathing areas.

Measures to prevent the shallowing of water bodies are aimed at preserving green areas and preventing forest fires. Water bodies are part of a single ecosystem. The population of waterfowl and near-water birds and their nesting conditions are preserved. Preservation of fauna and flora in the adjacent territory is provided for. Surface water pollution standards determine the concentration of pollution at which the water system can recover.

Protection of surface water from pollution

The treatment of wastewater will help to reduce the polluting load on the water body. Measures to protect water from pollution include:

  • construction of new treatment facilities;
  • introducing technologies to restore the original properties and clean the liquid from mechanical and chemical impurities;
  • collection of garbage from water bodies.

Modern methods of wastewater treatment help reduce the contamination of organic components by 85%. Coagulants are used to remove organic pollutants from the surface. They absorb oil film, oil products. Biological treatment of water bodies is carried out in order to restore the natural environment.

Wastewater treatment in areas with the system of forced irrigation saves water resources, their withdrawal is reduced. The volume of chemical pesticides is reduced, for the protection of plants biopreparations that do not have a detrimental effect on the ecosystem are used. Charges for the use of water bodies are set to finance environmental protection measures.

Protection of groundwater from pollution

In recent years, the number of wells has increased. Groundwater sources are actively used.

Protection of inland waters of Russia is aimed at protection of underground sources, they are also included in the list of water bodies. Pollution occurs:

  • During water abstraction;
  • during the development of wells;
  • from ingress of pollutants from underground industrial, agricultural and domestic effluents;
  • technogenic contamination (breakthrough of pipelines transporting aggressive or toxic components).

Bacterial contamination is especially dangerous. Microorganisms enter from fields, landfills. Protection of groundwater from depletion and pollution is regulated by law.

Methods of Cleaning Water from Contamination

Primary and secondary wastewater treatment is provided for. First, a mechanical method of purification from contaminants is used. Insoluble impurities and fibrous suspended matter are removed. Filtration removes first large, then small particles. Filter systems to protect water from alcohol pollution are installed at chemical plants.

Organic degraders are used to clean effluents when water is contaminated with protein organic compounds. Methods of absorption, coagulation, chlorination, ozonation help clean the effluents to an acceptable condition for discharge. They flow into rivers, lakes, reservoirs with minimal biological and chemical content.

Modern treatment methods are the most effective measure to preserve water bodies. The second way to improve the condition of effluents is the introduction of advanced technologies that reduce the volume of industrial waste. Switching to closed-cycle water use reduces consumption by up to 20%.

Environmental methods focus on reducing pollutants in open water bodies. These are:

  • construction of barrier structures that prevent the movement of dirty runoff;
  • the use of natural means to protect plants in adjacent fields;
  • planting greenery along the banks, along nearby roads (leaves absorb lead, heavy metals, other pollutants);
  • removal of dirty sludge deposits that poison the water body, absorb oxygen, and interfere with ecosystem restoration.

Water treatment at home

With proper waste management, it is possible to clean contaminated water before it enters the wastewater system. There are natural detergents that do not affect the ecosystem.

When using solvent, turpentine, and other chemical liquids, diligent landlords who have an autonomous wastewater treatment system. purify liquids from organic compounds. Drivers, technicians who keep their cars in order reduce oil waste, exhaust fumes, sulfur dioxide, lead compounds

Ecological rehabilitation of water bodies

Reducing river water pollution will allow the ecosystem to recover on its own. Ecological rehabilitation of water bodies is engaged at the regional level. The complex consists of several stages.

Preparatory stage

Survey works are carried out, hydrological assessment of the reservoir, its condition is done. The relief of the bottom and thickness of silt is studied. Comprehensive analysis of samples is carried out and pollutants are extracted.

Technical rehabilitation stage of the reservoir

Includes measures for mechanical cleaning of the bottom and banks. If necessary, silt deposits are removed. Provides for repair or construction of hydrological structures protecting against mudflows, liquid contaminants.

Biological rehabilitation stage

Stocking, populating of the water area with amphibians, microorganisms, molluscs contributing to the restoration of the hydrosystem.

Creation (restoration) of the coastal ecosystem

Creation of coastal landscape is envisaged to keep the water body clean. Complex landscaping, bank reinforcement with certain species of plants serving as a food base for water body inhabitants is done.

Complex improvement of the adjacent territory

Adjacent territory is planned to be leveled to eliminate dirty sewage. Potential unauthorized dumpsites are landscaped, containers for waste collection are installed.

To preserve the body of water, the prospects for using the resources of the restored body of water are being reconsidered to keep it free of pollutants.

Ocean Conditions and Sea Ice Development

It is well known that ice formation begins when the outflow of heat into the atmosphere from the surface of a body of water exceeds its inflow to it from the deep layers. The heat deficit formed in this case is compensated by the heat of crystallization during the transition of water from liquid to solid state. Obviously, everywhere where the annual heat loss of the ocean exceeds the amount of solar energy entering it, the necessary prerequisites for sea ice formation are created in winter. These conditions are met by the so-called energy sink areas, which cover not only the polar regions, but also significant parts of temperate latitudes in both hemispheres.

However, the prerequisites for the formation of sea ice available in the energy flow areas are not realized in all cases. Suffice it to point out, for example, the North European basin, which is completely located in the energy drainage area, but which is not frozen in most of its part. The reason for this is that, in addition to the heat accumulated annually in this basin, advective heat, concentrated below the active layer and continuously replenished by currents, takes part in the energy exchange with the atmosphere. When this heat gets unobstructed access to the ocean surface, no ice is formed. When this condition is not met and the advection heat export is impossible or weakened to the extent that it cannot fully compensate for the heat outflow into the atmosphere, ice formation becomes inevitable. In other words, the existence of an ice or ice-free regime in regions of energy combustion depends on the degree of participation of advective heat in the energy exchange with the atmosphere.

The role that advective heat plays in maintaining the ice-free regime in energy flow areas makes it necessary to elucidate the factors governing its transport to the ocean surface. After all, in many cases, the currents that transport heat toward the poles propagate at depth and have no direct contact with the atmosphere.

Vertical heat transfer in the ocean is known to take place through mixing. Its intensity depends on the stability of water layers, and the latter in the polar regions depends mainly on the vertical salinity gradient. When this gradient is significant, vertical heat exchange is weakened. Large vertical salinity gradients are characteristic of the halocline, which forms near the ocean surface at the boundary of desalinated polar and underlying saline waters. By sharply attenuating vertical exchange, the halocline acts as a shield for heat fluxes to the ocean surface from below. As a result, the flow of heat from the water may not be able to compensate for its outflow from the surface into the atmosphere, and ice formation becomes inevitable. Thus, the formation of the halocline creates conditions in the deep ocean for ice formation and transition to an ice-free regime, while its degeneration creates conditions for transition to an ice-free regime.

Recycling Water Supply to Enterprises

In the process of modernizing enterprises, such technology as recycled water supply is being implemented at some production facilities. Its benefit is the possibility to save clean water. After the water has been used for the first time, it is purified and then heated or cooled. It is then reused. Depending on the plant, the water has varying degrees of contamination.

The water recycling system is a closed system because contaminated water is not discharged into water bodies, which would be harmful to nature. For sewage water to be suitable for normal use, modern and high-quality treatment systems are used, including many elements.

Application of recycling water supply

The system of recycling water supply is relevant for the following enterprises:

  • at nuclear and thermal power plants;
  • for gas cleaning systems at metallurgical plants;
  • for metal processing in the machine-building industry;
  • in the chemical industry;
  • in pulp and paper mills;
  • in the mining industry;
  • in oil refineries;
  • In the food industry;
  • vehicle washes.

Before introducing a water recycling system at a particular enterprise, it is necessary to analyze technologies in this production in order to establish the feasibility of using this method of water resources. In order to implement this technology, it is necessary to develop a project, taking into account all the nuances, and only then it will be possible to apply this water supply system. As a result, an integrated approach in the solution of clean water use is required.

Advantages and disadvantages of water recycling system

Advantages of this water supply system are as follows:

  • Significant water saving – up to 90%;
  • no harmful emissions into local water bodies;
  • the enterprise will not have to pay for the use of new water resources;
  • production will not have to pay any fines due to environmental pollution.

It should be noted that recycling water supply has one drawback. It is evaporation of about 5% of the total volume of water, which was originally. If you compare, such a system brings a lot of advantages, so it should be used in all modern enterprises, where it is possible and necessary. Actively using this technology, you can evaluate its advantages.

Sludge Treatment Equipment

All biological treatment plants occasionally produce sludge, which is an excess layer of sludge and sludge. This excess sludge layer is produced by the continuous growth of various microorganisms due to the oxidation of large amounts of organic pollutants. Therefore, there is a need to remove it every day from the tanks of sewage treatment plants.

If the technology uses primary sedimentation tanks, over time, sludge gradually accumulates at the bottom of them, which is a solid mass of contaminants. The majority of the sludge is then fed into the sewage treatment plant together with the effluent. The moisture content is close to 100 % and is considered to be very contaminated. The amount can be an average of 2-5 % of the daily flow of all wastewater.

How to get rid of sediment

Performing treatment of sediments and their subsequent disposal is quite a problematic process, because high humidity strongly impedes their movement, which is not very economically feasible. The most effective way to reduce the volume of accumulated solid sludge is through dewatering, or in other words, reducing its moisture content. This can significantly reduce the cost of their disposal.

For this purpose, modern equipment in the form of a screw dewaterer is used. Special flocculants, dissolved in water, are added to the sludge solids. These are specially prepared in the dewatering stations and the necessary substances are dosed.

The screw dewaterer is capable of handling all types of sludge from wastewater treatment. Due to its compact size and low weight the screw dehydrator can be placed in almost any wastewater treatment plant.

This device is able to work automatically without the presence of staff near it.

Construction of the dewaterer:

  • The heart of the entire unit is the dewatering drum, which performs thickening and subsequent dewatering of solid sludge;
  • The dosing tank – from this element, a certain amount of sludge enters the flocculation tank through an original V-shaped overflow;
  • flocculation tank – in this part of the screw dewaterer the sludge is mixed with the reagent;
  • control panel – thanks to this panel it is possible to control the unit in automatic or manual mode.

Solution preparation and dosing station

Its purpose is to prepare flocculants in water in automatic mode using granulated powder. The station is equipped with a control panel in stand-alone mode. Additionally, as an option, it can be also equipped with a feed pump, a sensor of dryness of the fed reagent and a pump of prepared solution.