
Recycling Water Supply to Enterprises

In the process of modernizing enterprises, such technology as recycled water supply is being implemented at some production facilities. Its benefit is the possibility to save clean water. After the water has been used for the first time, it is purified and then heated or cooled. It is then reused. Depending on the plant, the water has varying degrees of contamination.

The water recycling system is a closed system because contaminated water is not discharged into water bodies, which would be harmful to nature. For sewage water to be suitable for normal use, modern and high-quality treatment systems are used, including many elements.

Application of recycling water supply

The system of recycling water supply is relevant for the following enterprises:

  • at nuclear and thermal power plants;
  • for gas cleaning systems at metallurgical plants;
  • for metal processing in the machine-building industry;
  • in the chemical industry;
  • in pulp and paper mills;
  • in the mining industry;
  • in oil refineries;
  • In the food industry;
  • vehicle washes.

Before introducing a water recycling system at a particular enterprise, it is necessary to analyze technologies in this production in order to establish the feasibility of using this method of water resources. In order to implement this technology, it is necessary to develop a project, taking into account all the nuances, and only then it will be possible to apply this water supply system. As a result, an integrated approach in the solution of clean water use is required.

Advantages and disadvantages of water recycling system

Advantages of this water supply system are as follows:

  • Significant water saving – up to 90%;
  • no harmful emissions into local water bodies;
  • the enterprise will not have to pay for the use of new water resources;
  • production will not have to pay any fines due to environmental pollution.

It should be noted that recycling water supply has one drawback. It is evaporation of about 5% of the total volume of water, which was originally. If you compare, such a system brings a lot of advantages, so it should be used in all modern enterprises, where it is possible and necessary. Actively using this technology, you can evaluate its advantages.

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